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S-Type IP66 Camera Housing and Stainless Steel Arm (ST-BASE-SS) - Dotworkz Systems
S-Type IP66 Camera Housing and Stainless Steel Arm (ST-BASE-SS) - Dotworkz Systems
S-Type IP66 Camera Housing and Stainless Steel Arm (ST-BASE-SS) - Dotworkz Systems

Djar tal-Kamera IP66 tat-Tip S u driegħ tal-Azzar Stainless (ST-BASE-SS)

The S-Type outdoor camera protection system is designed for all brands of traditional “brick” or static cameras. The S-Type housing utilizes all the features of our popular D-Series products into a complete air/water tight system solution for today’s sensitive CCTV, megapixel, HDTV or other long body cameras.

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$510.00 USD

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Camera TypeBox, Thermal, Long-range
Enclosure RatingIP 66
Input VoltageN/A
Output VoltageN/A
Country of OriginUSA
Enclosure MaterialPolycarbonate
Lens MaterialPolycarbonate
Shipping Dimensions20in. X 9in. X 23in.
Shipping Weight16LB

Deskrizzjoni: S-Tip IP66 Kamera tad-Djar u Stainless Steel Arm (ST-BASE-SS)

Il- S-Tip ta 'sistema ta' protezzjoni tal-kamera ta 'barra hija ddisinjata għall-marki kollha ta' kameras tradizzjonali "briks" jew statiċi. Il- S-Djar tat-tip tutilizza l-karatteristiċi kollha tal-prodotti popolari tagħna tas-Serje D f'soluzzjoni kompluta ta 'sistema ta' arja/ilma għal CCTV sensittivi tal-lum, megapixel, HDTV jew kameras oħra tal-ġisem twil.

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