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S-Type XL COOLDOME IP66 Extra Large Camera Housing for Static Cameras with Long Lenses (STXL-CD) - Dotworkz Systems
S-Type XL COOLDOME IP66 Extra Large Camera Housing for Static Cameras with Long Lenses (STXL-CD) - Dotworkz Systems
S-Type XL COOLDOME IP66 Extra Large Camera Housing for Static Cameras with Long Lenses (STXL-CD) - Dotworkz Systems
S-Type XL COOLDOME IP66 Extra Large Camera Housing for Static Cameras with Long Lenses (STXL-CD) - Dotworkz Systems

S-Type XL COOLDOME IP66 Djar tal-Kamera Extra Kbir għal Kameras Statiċi b'Lentijiet twal (STXL-CD)

STXL-CD is an actively cooled long lens and camera enclosure. The XL form factor accommodates 500mm+ high-resolution camera/telephoto lens combinations. Built to heavy duty professional grade standards, it protects cameras to IP66 & IK10 levels.

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$2,975.00 USD

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Camera TypeOversized Box, Ultra-High Resolution, Specialty, High Speed, DSLR
Enclosure RatingIP 66
Input Voltage110 V AC, or 220 VAC
Output Voltage12VDC or 24V
Country of OriginUSA
Enclosure MaterialAluminum
Lens MaterialGlass
Shipping Dimensions31in. X 16in. X 14in.
Shipping Weight33LB

Id-Dokument Tniżżil

S-Tip XL COOLDOME IP66 Djar tal-Kamera Extra Kbir għal Kameras Statiċi b'Lentijiet twal (STXL-CD)

Minbarra l-livelli ta 'protezzjoni tal-lenti ta' temperatura għolja tal-verżjoni COOLDOME™ mkessħa b'mod attiv, l-STXL-CD huwa disponibbli f'pakketti ambjentali ewlenin fl-industrija ta 'Dotworkz oħra, inklużi ċ-Ċirku tan-Nar tat-tneħħija tas-silġ, Tornado, Heater Blower u mudell bażi. F'konformità mad-durabilità u l-inġinerija għolja leġġendarji ta 'Dotworkz, l-STXL-CD huwa mibni apposta għall-kundizzjonijiet l-aktar ħorox, minn sħana jew kesħa estrema sa anke applikazzjonijiet tal-baħar b'umdità għolja.
  • Ambjent ħarxa tkessiħ attiv
  • Kompatibilità fit-tul tal-lenti
  • Driegħ tal-immuntar uniku estendibbli versatili

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