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HD12 Micro Thin Lens 4K Optically Pure - Dotworkz Systems
HD12 Micro Thin Lens 4K Optically Pure - Dotworkz Systems

Kit Lenti ta' Sostituzzjoni HD12

HD12 and BRZ-12CDH lens replacement kit

(ibbażat fuq 1 reviżjoni)

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$133.00 USD

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Jekk jogħġbok Ikkuntattja:

Kit Lenti ta' Sostituzzjoni HD12

Parti li tordna #: KT-HD12-LENS-OP

Il-kit ta 'sostituzzjoni tal-lenti KT-HD12-LENS-OP tagħna jiġi mal-lenti tal-koppla ċara ta' 12" użata għall-housings HD12 tagħna u l-viti għat-tapp li jsakkru l-ħajt. 

Dan il-kit ta 'sostituzzjoni tal-lenti huwa wkoll kompatibbli mal-BRZ-12CDH. 

Aqsam dan il-prodott mal-ko-ħaddiema tiegħek, mad-dinja, u aktar!


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Charles Perry
Arrived Damaged But Easily Exchanged

This globe is very delicate considering its job. The one that came with our Dotworkz enclosure became badly scratched and then cracked when we had a problem with the PTZ camera and fiber transmitter inside. We ordered this one as a replacement. It came single-boxed and was broken when we opened it, even though the box showed no damage. Dotworkz arranged an exchange and hopefully the third time will be a charm, but I do think this unit should be made of thicker plastic given that it's intended to survive whatever the outdoors can throw at it.

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